Monday, February 18, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's back to WW I go!

So, I did it, sort of! I joined Weight Watchers last March 1st and I lost 42 pounds thru mid-August. I was proud of myself and feeling good. Then my group did the unthinkable - they decided to take a break!!! A 6-week break. Who does this? It's a recipe for disaster! The beginning of the break was the same week as our family vacation, then we get back and my son starts Kindergarten. You can see where this is going....So the 6-week break turned into a 6-month break for me. Not good!

I haven't gained any weight since August, but I haven't lost either. Good news - I know how to maintain! Bad news - I still have a long way to go in my weight loss efforts!

So, today, I did it - I rejoined a group - a different one this time - one that doesn't take breaks! Because obviously a break is a bad thing for me. I'll keep you updated as I progress on my journey. I know it will be a lifelong one for me, as it is for many who struggle.

Today is a beautiful day and my kids and I will be enjoying the park after school - burn, baby, burn!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wow! Quite a loss!! I knew when I saw you that day in Target, you looked smaller than the last time I'd seen you!! Congrats! Maintaining is incredible!! Best wishes with your next goal! It's an ongoing battle for me...I hate to exercise but, we broke down and bought a treadmill so, I try...!!!