Saturday, June 7, 2008

super saturday

Today was "family" day at our house! This means no friends, just the 4 of us. This doesn't happen very often as friends are usually always welcome, but....this is the last day we have together for 2 weeks. That's a long time!

I'm used to the crazy summer schedule as that's the only one I've had since marrying Lance in 1994. Before kids, I used the time alone to watch "chick" flicks and work on projects. Once N arrived in 2001, things became the "single" mom life and when L arrived in 2005, things became even crazier. I have great respect for single moms who do everything and do it day in and day out - what a difficult job. I also have admiration for those moms whose husbands travel all the time.

Things the kids and I will be busy doing this summer while Lance is gone: swimming, swimming, and more swimming! My kids have turned into fish this year. L is especially good and adventerous in her aquatic adventures. Today she ventured off the "big kid slide" at Adamson's Lagoon. N is gaining more confidence and is stepping out of his comfort zone to try new things (like the slide today!)

The kids are also enjoying an additional week of fun this summer---a trip to grandparents for a week! They will split their time between my parents and Lance's. This is the first time they will go for 5 entire days by themselves. They will have a great time and I will have the opportunity to get some projects done and enjoy some time with friends and of course, work :(


Becky said...

Fun day!
Even tho Steve works a summer job coaching a camp, we have lots and lots of time with him which we treasure......for come fall....I am one of those single moms.....the Coach's Widow....and my children feel orphaned! :o)
Mine too are leaving for the grandparents soon! Not sure I'll know what to do with myself! I am hoping I get called in to work some as we have things to do to get ready for the next fall at school!!

circus of love said...

Wow 5 days without the kids. Hope you accomplish lots...even if it is to rest up for the summer!! I am with you on the struggles when hubbies are traveling. God somehow provides.