Monday, June 9, 2008


This week is VBS at our church. Due to so many working moms, our church has night VBS and while this adds the wonderful blessing of having the dads helping out, it makes for a LONG week!

For those of us who work during the day and then have to get everyone fed, sometimes redressed and up to VBS by 6pm and then don't get home until 9pm, wow, it's crazy!

My answer to the craziness: I only work part-time in VBS. My commitment has changed over the years to best meet the needs of my kids and myself. Right now, Sun. and Weds nights are what L and I can do. N, he crazy loves it, as he loves everything! Of course, we did have to wake him up at 8am this morning - he was TIRED! And that was just after day 1. Today was swim day at his daycamp and I'm sure he will be tired, but he doesn't like to miss a thing and so I'm sure he'll want to go tonight!

L and I will work on laundry, dishes, and preparing for tomorrow and she'll get to bed at a decent time - yippee!

Lance directs the completed 6th grade group as these are the kids who will be in the youth ministry in August - he likes to start getting to know them and I think they like that he does VBS different for them - more "youthy" than "childreny" if you know what I mean! I help in here my two nights and really enjoy my time with them as well - it's fun to get to know the personalities that we'll be around for the next 6 years or so!

VBS - gotta love it, but oh we're glad it's only once a year!


circus of love said...

You are so smart!!!! So few Mom's know how to find this balance. I think it is awesome!!!

circus of love said...

forgive my punctuation errors...apostrophe smotrophe

Becky said...

VBS can be so tiring and taxing!!
We do the same thing here, balancing all the things at church with every thing else and set our limits!
I have always thought it best to keep the smallest, youngest ones at home when things go late, if at all possible!