Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reading, Reading,Reading

Dear N is reading so well now - it's unbelievable that he started out Kindergarten in August not being able to read anything beyond his name. It's awesome - he is reading everything in sight.

Last night, he was laughing hysterically because the book I had chosen to read to him was in fact read by him and not me! It was a great feeling. Lance and I both LOVE to read and definitely want our kids to have this same love of books!

Every night N has to read books at his level - our aim is for him to read 20 minutes. Some nights it is more, some less. Whichever one of us is tucking him in that night will also read to him. Usually Lance will pick a series, lately it's been The Chronicles of Narnia - this is something they love doing together. I usually either let N pick the book or we'll read something from the Bible or about animals.

He is gaining so much confidence in his reading ability and I love it - we are planning some reading activities and games for this summer to keep up with the skills. N, I'm so proud of you!


Anonymous said...

Reading and the love of reading is of immense value in the life of a person. It has been one of the defining elements of our family. And now this generation has 2 readers and 3 others with a love of books already. Excellent! Good parenting!

Better to invest time in reading and then have TV as an extra than to invest time in TV and have reading... uh, oh.

MammaJensKidBrother said...

Way to go N!

Now its a little hard for me to believe the boy who comes to Plano ever slows down enough to read....