Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blah,Blah, Blah

Today is blah. Yesterday was more blah. Sunday was the blahest. So, things they are a lookin' up.

I got strep throat. No fun, no fun at all. I usually get it every other year. The last time I got it was the week before we moved into our new house. I don't like getting it, but the good thing is I can usually diagnose myself. The strep test is a mere formality my friends.

In my quest to have a weekend out of the house, I was able to at least get Saturday out of the house and it was fun! I went to Stamp Camp and made lots of cute cards and got inspired to come up with some creations of my own. I made 6 cards at camp and 6 more later that day. Oh yes, I was a busy bee, I was. And no, no pics, but I will work on that, I truly will.

We also went to a benefit for a church member going thru cancer treatments. They had a great turnout and had lots of auction items--we are hopeful they were able to raise the money they need for the treatments. My kids favorite part of the evening was the playground at the Wellborn Community Center. It's retro. Like really retro, they have toys there that were probably old when I was a kid. Things like seesaws and these awesome horse swings that even the littlest tikes can do themselves. Really cute.

The soccer game for the boy...yeah, we won. 9 to 4. The score doesn't matter, but the game sure is more fun when goals are being made.

So, then Sunday, I was back to my casa for a time of rest and hacking and chills and fever....yuckers.

Today, I'm feeling better but taking it slow, 'cause you know if I have to be locked in my house again this weekend, I will be screaming! And you might be too, just from the shear boredom of my posts. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

weekend o'fun

Things have been "different" at the MommaJen casa since school started. The weekdays have been jam-packed with activities, school, homework, friends, etc. But the weekends, they have been completely turned upside down due to illness, Ike, etc...but it looks like we may be back "on track" for a more regular weekend.

So, tonight Lance will be having a tailgate party before the game and a 5th quarter drive-in movie after the game. The kids and I will be having Friday night movie night at home and hoping for no "popcorn" burps. Popcorn will not be on the menu.

Tomorrow, we have an early soccer game followed by Stamp Camp for me. This will be my first "camp" but according to my Bunco/Blogger/Stampin' friends, I will love it! And I'm sure I will since I get to craft and visit with friends without having to do another thing for 4 entire hours in.a.row. Fabulous!

Then tomorrow afternoon, it's off to a farewell party and lastly a benefit tomorrow night for a church member who is undergoing cancer treatments.

So, Saturday will be a whirlwind indeed, but should be fun. Sunday will be our normal church day and rest (I hope!)

And two last items to share, 'cause it's my blog and I can if I want to:

My new favorite word of L's: cop-er-ate. You might know it as cooperate. She was speaking to her toy and asking it to please cop-er-ate. Yes, she may have heard this word from me a time (or possibly two)

Lance and I were quietly visiting in the living room last night after dinner. The kiddos were upstairs playing and getting along...there was much infectious laughter and we were loving it. All of a sudden, we hear L crying. And immediately, N says, "I had to teach you a lesson, L" "Maybe you'll listen to your bubba now." Hmmmm...noticing a pattern here...these are also words I say from time to time--not the bubba part, though, 'cause I'm not a bubba.

The plight of the older child. Poor N--he's so old and wise at 6 and has so much wisdom to teach his 3 y.o. sister. Of course, we had to remind N that it's not his job to teach her a lesson. That would be our job.

Hope you and yours have a great weekend as well!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Freshman 15?

Nope, I'm not dealing with the freshman 15. I'm dealing with the "Ike and illness 10". What is this you ask?

Well... the last two weekends I've been homebound due to Ike and sick kiddos. What is it about being stuck at home that brings out the munchies? I don't know, but I can tell you that I have to get out of the house next weekend. Or perhaps, I shouldn't buy any munchies.

I've been the same weight for a year now which is good for maintaining but is terrible since I need to lose alot more. I need something to jump-start me again to get me motivated and I haven't been able to find that "thing". But now, since my smaller clothes are getting tight, well, I'm forced to face that I've got to get back on track.

So, I'm outting myself. If you know me in real-life, please help hold me accountable. This is my biggest struggle in life and one I will probably have forever. I'm getting back on track starting today!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


In the midst of the weekend o'illness at our house, I forgot to mention the other family member who fell victim.

Remember this post last week? Well, much as Lance predicted, the fish was not able to recover from the severity of his wounds in Earthquake '08.

Early Saturday morning, L came to tell me that Fountain was not swimming. "He's just still, momma. He's not swimming anywhere. He's not saying "glub, glub.""

Oh boy, I knew as I went upstairs what I was going to find and yep indeedy, Fountain was upside down, dead, in the tank. L wanted to immediately return to the pet store and get another blue fish. Lance and I decided that getting a new fish right away was probably not in the best interest of the fish. We'll work some more on pet care and perhaps try again in a few months.

So, we're back to a family of 4 again. And frankly, at the moment, that's about all I can handle, so it's all good, peeps. All good.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The sickies are back!

The sickies have arrived back at our house in full force. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

When I picked up sweet N after school on Friday, he told me he was having popcorn burps. Hmmm...'k...but, he didn't have popcorn anytime in the last week. In fact, it was almost a month since he last ate his popcorn and that night, well it ended up in the bathroom. So, not a good sign at all for how Friday is going to end up for us. And wouldn't you know it? Yep, he was back there.

Saturday, he was feeling better and we got out of the house and got some things done, but sister was a grouch the entire day. Couldn't figure it out!

Well, the reason why made itself apparent that night at 3AM....the barking seal was in our house with over 102 temp. She was miserable. So, us girls slept in Sunday morning while the boys headed to church. N was to have his special 1st grade Bible presentation luncheon after church, but alas....the popcorn burps they returned during Sunday School and N's teachers had to find Lance.

So, yesterday at my house...not so much fun. I finally decided to take a shower about 3:45 and yep, you mommas are right, I wasn't in there 2 minutes when I had an audience who couldn't bare Momma being apart from them. I love being wanted by my kiddos when they are sick, I love the cuddling that comes, but oh man, when they are both sick and from two completely different bugs, wow! that's crazy! I'm truly not sure how you moms of more than 2 do it when they're all sick.

So, today Lance is home with L--a visit to the dr. is in order and hopefully some nighttime relief for her and us both...there's not much sleeping going on at our house.

While Lance is with L, I'll be mourning with my dear friend Susan who's dad lost his fight with pancreatic cancer just 2 1/2 months since diagnosis. My heart is aching for her.

And what am I praying for the most at my house right now? That my kiddos don't give each other what they just had!!! No, please, no!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

And the beat goes on!

L is LOVING her dance class---it is a highlight of her week. She loves the clothes, the shoes, the whole experience. I've had so much fun watching her thru the two-way mirror, thing-a-ma-bob. She, one of only two, who is not wearing pink from head-to-toe. My girl, she's an independent thinker like her momma!

This week, they did a whole bunch of dance moves that I can't spell, but that my friend Tracy was good enough to explain to me. Ya see Tracy actually took dance as a child, while I did not. She knows what she is doing--but Tracy has a problem. Her little gal, Emma, doesn't want to participate. Emma is more the observer and last night watched from the hall with the parents, where she showed us her moves. Tracy has been paying tuition for dance classes so that Emma can dance in the hallway, 'cause we all know that's what it's all about. Next week is the last week for her unless she decides to make her dancing debut.

Meanwhile, my gal L who has serious attitude 99.9% of the time, thrives in her dance class. She is sweet, she listens, and she does quite well with the moves. Maybe we've found her thing...Nutcracker here we come! Or not...

And because I love her so and she's so stinkin' funny, check out Big Mama's blog today about dance with her gal.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

8.8 on the Richter scale

I had a really nice evening last night. It was my Bunco night. A chance to spend time with friends catching up on what's happening in their lives, a chance to vent about things that only women can truly understand.

Then I got home....

The house was quiet, the kiddos were in bed, all was well. Or so I thought....

In the kitchen was some evidence that something had gone wrong...

So, Lance proceeds to tell me about the loud crash he heard upstairs while he was in the bathroom. He hears the crash and then L yelling, "Momma". When he finally makes it upstairs, he sees the remnants of the earthquake in L's room. Seems, big brother and her were having fun, running, and getting a wee bit crazy. And the victim of all this craziness?!?

You guessed it! Our new family member, Fountain, was expelled from his home and was lying on the carpet. Lance asked the kiddos if he was still alive and so N poked him and determined he was still living. Lance was very honest with them and mentioned that Fountain may not survive the natural disaster. That's when sweet L asks the all important question, "Can we take Fountain back to the store and get another fish?" Can we say NOT emotionally attached to this fish at all?!? She's a smart gal and realizes he may be "damaged" goods---she wants something that is whole. Wow, I hope I never get hurt...she may try to trade me in too!

As of this morning, Fountain is still alive, although the drama of being displaced may take days off his life. We're still trying to determine if a 3 y.o.'s room is really the best place for a fish to live anyway. Perhaps our room or the top of the kitchen cabinets would be safer.

Lance said it took most of the evening to clean up all the rocks, etc from the fish tank. Oh, and the water? Yeah, L was being a "kitty cat" and licking it off the carpet. Gag, oh gag. Fish poop and stinky water---yum, yum.

Good times, indeed.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Bri. I met Bri thru blogging and she is an adoptive mom-to-be. It's been fun reading her journey thru the adoption process. I've completed two journeys thru adoption and it's both an exhilarating time and a very emotional process.

So, the rules are:

1) Link back to the person who tagged you

2) List 5 ways blogging has affected you

3) Tag 5 others


5 ways blogging has affected me:

1) I've reconnected with some old friends who live far away--I've enjoyed peeking into their lives and seeing they are still the great gals that they were "back in the day"

2) I'm documenting my life and the life of my family. The main reason for this is to leave behind something for my children and someday hopefully grandchildren. I want them to have a peek into what life was like for us during this period of time. I want them to laugh at the crazy stuff and remember the wonderful things.

3) I've learned sooo much from other bloggers---particularly those going thru crisis in their life and how they are allowing God to use them. Some of the blogs I read include mothers who've lost children, those suffering from cancer, or even just raising quadruplets. They inspire and teach me to appreciate every good thing in my life.

4) I've enjoyed laughing out loud at some of my funny blog friends...there are several sites I know I can always go to for a good laugh.

5) Blogging has kept me from housework and other things I needed to get done, but wanted to put off--not exactly wise use of time, but I enjoy it still!

I tag:






Sunday, September 14, 2008

Exhausted, grateful, and exhausted again

My emotions and thoughts are scattered. The last 72 hours have been both a whirlwind of activity and a whirlwind of nothingness. Thanks to the latest in technology, we have known for days about Ike. We've had plenty of time to prepare (which is wonderful!) but also lots of time to think and wait, wait, wait...

Over the last 3 days, we've played alot, watched too many cartoons, and eaten too much junk food. There is something about "hunkerin' down" that just makes you crave Oreos and chips and salsa. I'm still waiting for the brocolli/carrot craving to arrive at our house.

I'm so grateful that our community was spared the wrath of Ike. We had some downed trees, limbs, and fences, but other than that...not much. Our community is full of people who don't know when they'll be able to go home. It may be weeks. Our church shelter is full for the foreseeable future. Hubby and others who've been volunteering around the clock are tired. Mommas at home with their kiddos (who can't go outside and run!!!) are exhausted. (Truly, I'm speaking about me here, but I'm sure there are others like me?!?)

The headquarters of my company is in Huntsville --I think they were hit hard, but don't really know for sure--I do know a lady was killed who lives in the same neighborhood as my boss.

Today, the kiddos and I headed back to the grocery store and boy, that was an experience...no bottled water or bread on the shelves. Very little cereal. And a guy from Freebirds was there buying every package of tortilla chips---I'm guessing their chip shipment didn't make it into town. The grocery store was pure chaos, but chaos beats devastation every day of the week.

Pray for the people along the coast of Texas and those in Houston as well. The days ahead will be tough ones for them.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Welcome Ike!

I'm blogging in a hurricane --o, my dedication is high!

No, really this is the first hurricane I've been in where we actually got some rain. Right now, the wind has been blowing pretty hard since about midnight...I know this because a certain 3 y.o. came and got in our bed about that time last night. Of course, she did go to bed at 6pm last night. You know it is extremely exhausting staying home all day yesterday and playing. And watching cartoons. That will wear a girl out. We were up again at 4 this morning--it's like having a newborn again.

It's also raining a bit---I think today will be pj day at our house--this is an executive decision by momma as daddy is at church serving the guests at our shelter. We have a crockpot full of cowboy stew and nothing else on our schedule--this will be good and perhaps L will stay up until 6;15 tonight!

We do live an exciting life!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The big tease

Ike, are you like your friend Gustav? Are you going to merely tease with your bad behavior? I know Gustav was bad and it was good to evacuate, but....in our town 200 miles from the coast, we are constantly being teased with these storms.

For instance, during Rita everything here shut down including the mall. The mall which only closes for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. And the result of the closings...a little bit of wind and I think 5 drops o' rain.

Now, Ike, I do believe you will give us some rain, but I'm not sure about anything else....

Big Mama has a funny post today on her blog about this very subject. She lives in San Antonio. Please read to the end of her post and you will be glad you did. Chuckle, I did...oh yes.

So, tomorrow, while it rains, our community will be loving on those from affected areas and enjoying quality indoor activities with our children. Sounds good to me!


Happy Birthday Paul!

Today is my younger brother's birthday!! Nothing like feeling old when your YOUNGER brother turns 34! How did this happen? I remember playing "DJ" with him in the living room when Mac Davis and the Gaithers were our songs of choice on the 33 albums. I remember playing Fisher Price little people, riding bikes, playing outside with friends till it turned dark. I remember horrible fights and him bugging me to no end! I remember all the things I thought weren't fair that I had to do and he didn't, because he was younger.

But, I also remember him comforting me when I was down, I remember him being a good sport about having our picture made together in college and the photographer thinking we were dating! (complete with daydream bubble...this was the early 90's folks ---stuff was weird.)

Paul....the only person I knew at the beginning of life that hopefully, I will still know at the end of life. The gift of siblings is so great. I'm thankful to have a brother and I'm thankful that as adults we are friends. Things are crazy busy for both of us right now in the prime of raising our own families, but I know if I ever picked up the phone and told him I needed him, he'd come running! And, I'd do the same for him!

Paul, I hope you have a great day. I love you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's different

I wasn't prepared for the difference this year. I wasn't prepared for the drastic change between kindergarten and 1st grade. My boy, he is a different child this year. One who no longer tells me every.single. thing he has done that day. He now has secrets from me and his teacher doesn't send home daily behavior reports. I only get one report a week. This is scary my friends...

It's no different at church. The first week in his new Sunday School class, he was mortified to learn that they no longer had "centers" such as home-living. Now, it's full-on Bible activities and such.

On Wednesday night, he is going to Bible-Buddies where he learned the books of poetry last week and he can say Deuteronomy and find it in the Bible. My heart is bursting with pride, but also feeling a bit left behind. Not only are his activities changing, but the teachers are willing to let them go without parents picking them up. Nope, that's where I draw the line! I still want to pick my baby (I mean 6 y.o.) up from his class.

I know parenting is just this...letting go, little by little. These changes I'm noticing this year are nothing compared to the thought of him driving or going off to college. And yet, if I'm doing my job well, I will eventually be out of a job. I'll then someday get promoted to friend. For now, I'll just love the fact that out of all the people in the world, he still wants me the most....even if he doesn't tell me everything anymore!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

and then there were 5!

We have a new family member in our house as of 7pm last night. He slept in L's room last night and helped her have a more productive night's sleep.

We've been struggling with her getting out of bed at night ever since she gave up her Cassie. Momma and Daddy were feeling a bit cranky and sleep-deprived and that's never a good thing!

Daddy learned a new sleep technique (or should I say method of bribery) from someone over the weekend and we thought we'd give it a try. We couldn't possibly lose any more sleep than we already were! So, our new family member.....his name is Fountain. He's blue and he swims...he's a little fishie and L is so proud of him. His little bowl is on her nightstand and she can watch him swim around and know that she is not alone.

A fish is not very cuddly, but L is not a cuddly-type gal like her big brother. N still sleeps with his Lovey every night. When he was L's age, he had to have Lovey to sleep - it was his comfort. Now, he doesn't have to have Lovey, but he still likes sleeping with him.

So, night one? Success! L only got out of her bed once and when Lance took her back upstairs...she stayed!!! Yippee! This hasn't happened since before our vacation so we were thankful indeed.

And this morning? Oh that girl was proud! She had me come upstairs and talk to Fountain and listen to him "glub, glub". I'm proud of my gal and I'm thankful for a full-night's sleep.

Tonight, we'll try for two in a row!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The big FIVE!

Today is a big day for my niece, Amelia. She turns 5 today.

Amelia is a spunky gal and has brightened our family! She arrived at a beautiful time in our family, just when we needed something wonderful to celebrate. Dad had just had his triple-bypass and was still home recovering. My sister-in-law's mom had just gone thru cancer treatments. It was a tough year in many ways for Paul and Mindy and then, September 8th arrived....Amelia! Lance, N, and I were fortunate enough to be in town the day she was born and were able to be at the hospital to meet her. This is the only time we've had that priviledge with any of our 4 nieces or 2 nephews!

Amelia started preschool last week and is very excited to be going to school just like her big sister, Elizabeth.

Amelia is also a big sister to Ollie and Hope. She gets the best of both worlds!

Amelia, we don't see you near as often as we would like. I hope you have a great day today on your #5! Your present is in the mail, I'm sorry I'm late this year!!

Aunt Jen

Friday, September 5, 2008

Are we ready?

Either way you look at, we will have a historic Pres/Vice Pres after this year's election.

In case you've been living under a rock....

On the Democratic side, O is dynamic, but less experienced. B is experienced, but not as dynamic. O would be the first African-American president. This is a good thing. It's amazing that it has taken this long for our country to be ready for a minority president.

On the Republican side, Mc is older, more experienced, but kind of grouchy (IMO). P is an unknown but is very intriguing. She has captured some of the "wow" factor that Mc desperately needed. There was no way he could compete with O's charisma.

I'm not going to tell you who I'm going to vote for, because that's my personal business and it may be different than who you are voting for. I don't like to argue politics with friends :) Some of you know where I stand and some of you might be surprised where I stand!

All this being said, Sarah Paulin is the most intriguing candidate I can ever remember. Or maybe she's intriguing because I can relate the most with her. A woman, a working mom. I'm impressed by her fast rise. I'm impressed with her seemingly no-nonsense take on wasteful spending, etc.

My only issue with her is really one that is none of my business. She is a mom of 5. FIVE! With one being an infant and one being a pregnant teenager. What I most struggle with is how will she be everything to her children and everything to our country. As I was discussing this with a friend the other way, she reminded me that not everyone is like me. Some people thrive on busyness and doing things; they can't stand down-time. They don't have hobbies or projects. They probably don't watch TV or BLOG! They have maids and cooks and other conveniences that allow them to use all of their free time on their family. Who am I to judge what is right for her and her family? That is between her, her family, and God. Perhaps God has called her to this very job. Her husband is Mr. Mom, so someone is home with the children. I don't want others to judge me for working, so I have to be careful not to judge others for their choices either. And even if she and McC aren't elected, this dialogue is a good one for our country. Are we ready to see a mom with young children in the White House? Do we really see men and women equally? Or do we just give lip service?

No matter who wins this election, I believe it will be an improvement over what we have now. Are we ready for change? I hope so and I hope the country will unite together no matter who wins!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's a grind

My name is MommaJen and I'm a grinder. I grind my teeth. There, I've said it. I've been doing this for years. Some people get tension headaches. Nope, not me! I get jaw tension when I'm stressed. At times,it's completely unnerving - I have to do jaw exercises and massage my jaw to get it to relax.

A couple of months ago, I woke up to find one of my front teeth with a small chip in it. Very small, most people wouldn't even notice it, but my tongue keeps finding it...you know what I mean?

So, a few weeks ago when I went to the dentist, I asked him about it. The cause? Yep, the grinding...seems I have TMJ which I've suspected for years,so... yesterday afternoon I found myself back in the dentist chair being fitted for a TMJ device. Not covered by insurance and not cheap, but hopefully will provide me with some much needed relief plus save my teeth from further chipping!

Oh the joys of getting older!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dancing,dancing, and more dancing!

I love to dance! Lance and I danced several times a week when we were first dating - we loved it! At that time, Baylor still didn't allow dancing on campus, and so we had to go to bars to dance. They have since wised up and now allow dancing on campus.We didn't get to have dancing at our wedding reception, we married about 2-3 years early for this to be in vogue or acceptable for a young Baptist couple. No, instead, we had the traditional 2pm wedding with punch and cake - short and sweet!

My brother, Paul, and his bride, Mindy had dancing at their wedding and it was fun! Someday, Lance and I will have to renew our vows and have DANCING!

We've had an annual Christmas Ball the last 5 years for our youth at church and it's been fun - the kids come with or without dates and we rotate partners all evening - it's great and no one is self conscious.

Well, Sunday night at church, we had a square dance for everybody - it was multi-generational. The 3 y.o.'s were really the youngest that were participating (sort of) but it went up to those in their 70's. It was so much fun! I loved watching all skill levels, all generations enjoying the fun of dancing. It's unbelievable that for years, Baptist were against dancing ---boy, they were really missing out! We had some professional callers and they had us trying all different kinds of things and they even had a few dances just for kiddos. So fun, so sweet!

Today, little L starts her dance class and she is so excited - she has been dancing everywhere lately....in her chair at the dinner table, in the bathtub...oh the joy of dance!

Monday, September 1, 2008

You came early this year

Stomach flu, you're early this year.

We don't like you early, we don't like you late,we don't like you entering our front gate.

N gets sick once a year. Seriously, once a year, you can almost plan it on the calendar...it's every October - usually mid-month, sometimes late in the month. But, not this year....

We've already welcomed the bug...N wasn't eating much last week. I attributed it to first week of school nerves...you know the stress involved in 1st grade!

But, oh no, nerves it was not...vomiting, diarhea, no fun, no fun at all. My poor baby suffered from them both this weekend.

Let's hope this is it - let's hope there will be no October illness this year. Let's also hope none of the rest of us get this bug.

Needless to say, my house got a major clean-up, wipe-down today.